John Bergschneider

john dot bergschneider at certik dot com


I enjoy teaching and I view teaching as an important part of being a mathematician. My current courses and previous courses can be seen below. The Introduction to Statistics course is based on the UC Berkeley Foundations of Data Science course.

Current Courses

•Spring 2021: MATH1401 - Introduction to Statistics

•Spring 2021: MATH2460 - Calculus II

Previous Courses

•Summer 2021: MATH3540 - Cryptography

•Spring 2021: MATH1401 - Introduction to Statistics

•Spring 2021: MATH1114 - Precalculus

•Fall 2020: MATH1111 - College Algebra

•Fall 2020: MATH1114 - Precalculus

•Fall 2019: MAC2313 - Calculus 3

•Summer 2019: MAS3105 - Linear Algebra

•Spring 2019: MAS3105 - Linear Algebra

•Fall 2018: MAC2313 - Calculus 3

•Summer 2018: MAC2311 - Calculus 1

•Spring 2018: MAC2311 - Calculus 1

•Fall 2017: MAC1140 - Precalculus

•Spring 2017: MAC1140 - Precalculus